Guest blogging opportunites – Write about your summer internship!

February 14, 2010 at 8:56 pm | Posted in Guest blogging opportunity | Comments Off on Guest blogging opportunites – Write about your summer internship!
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On this blog forum, you’re invited to share your expertise. We welcome your blog submissions. Submit your thoughts and experiences in supporting students finding and preparing for internships. Share your new or innovative ideas, plus proven techniques and strategies for success.

Right now we are accepting submissions that answer this question:
How are you preparing students differently this year for summer internships? Please include information that answers the following questions:
(1) What information and training is needed this year more than in past years?
(2) What new or innovative approaches have you utilized?
(3) When do you recommend students begin searching for summer internships?
(4) If students get a late start, what is the single best thing to do to catch up with the pack?

To have your blog submission considered for publishing, please send your submission to

Please include with your submission, your full name, title, school and the URL to your career center website page or school website plus your brief bio. Each published blog will include author name and link to read your bio which will include a website link to your school.

Blog submissions should be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 600 words.

Any blog submissions published will be promoted via social media and may be featured in the monthly newsletter. If you’d like to get the newsletter, sign up for an account on, by clicking here.

The twitter account which promotes the published blog submissions is: If you use twitter, follow us and get all the latest updates from this blog and other items of interest.

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